EPR/MS Facility
Mass Spectrometer
Location: CCSB G.0702

The AccuTOF™ LC is the first mass spectrometer to calculate accurate mass measurement of components at both low and high concentrations.Features
- High resolving power >6000 (FWHM)
- Mass measurement accuracies <5 ppm
- One-point drift correction
- Electrospray ESI Source
Funding: NSF CRIF
Bruker EMXplus
EPR Spectrometer
Location: CCSB G.0702

The EMXplus™ is the perfect choice for EPR applications where a simple recording of the CW-EPR spectrum is not enough. IT features several 2D operation modes where the second axis can be time, temperature goniometer angle and microwave power.Features
- 10" X-Band Magnet
- X-band solid-state ultra low noise microwave bridge
- High sensitivity probe head with optical window
- 100 G - 18 kG operating range
- CryoFree VT system down to 10K
- Advanced, Bruker Xenon software platform
Funding: NSF
Information and Scheduling
Dr. Sohan De Silva
Office: (915) 747-5861 (CCS 2.0308)
NMR: (915) 747-5893 (CCS G.0701)
(915)747-7569 (PCSI 103)